Pros & Cons of Metal Roofing in El Paso, TX

Metal Roofing El Paso TX
  1. Advantages of metal roofs
    1. Longevity
    2. Durability
    3. Security. 
    4. Energy efficiency. 
    5. Environmental friendly. 
  2. Disadvantages of metal roofs
    1. Affordability. 
    2. Noise. 
    3. Expansion, contraction and fasteners. 
    4. Inconsistency in tonality. 
    5. Performance. 
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Whether you’re buying a home with a metal roof or thinking about installing one, here’s what you need to know.

Whether you’re putting a roof on a new home or your current roof needs renovation, there are many materials available. But no matter what style of roof you have, metal roofs can be an attractive option due to their longevity, minimal maintenanceand energy efficiency.

When it comes to materials, options include steel (galvanized, galvalume, or corten), aluminum, copper, zinc, and tin. Product types are standing seam, preformed panel, and granular coated panel.

Style options allow you to achieve the look of asphalt shingles, slate roofing, clay shingles, wood shingles or vertical paneling. Make sure your metal roofing product is tested, labeled, and listed by a testing organization, such as UL, FM Approvals, or Intertek, as meeting rigorous wind, fire, and impact resistance rating requirements .

Also remember that the installation may vary according to geographical location.

Advantages of metal roofs

Metal roofs offer many benefits, including:


Metal roofs can last anywhere from 40 to 70 years, depending on the material used. Traditional asphalt roofing materials have an estimated lifespan of approximately 12 to 20 years.


 If installed correctly, some metal roofs can withstand wind gusts of up to 140 miles per hour, are not subject to corrosion or cracking, and may be impact resistant (depending on the type of metal you choose). 

Plus, metal roofs don’t need the periodic and costly maintenance that other roofing materials often require. However, they should be inspected periodically to make sure no repairs are required.


Metal roofs do not spark or catch fire during a wildfire or lightning strike.

Energy efficiency. 

Metal roofs reflect ultraviolet and infrared light rays that contribute radiant heat from the roof surface, which can result in a 10-25% reduction in cooling costs.

Environmental friendly. 

Metal roofs not only contain 25-95% recycled material, depending on the material used, but are also 100% recyclable at the end of their useful life. By contrast, most shingle waste ends up as part of other construction-related waste – producing up to 20 billion pounds a year.

Disadvantages of metal roofs

Despite its many advantages, metal roofs have some potential drawbacks.


Metal roofing can cost up to two to three times more than other roofing materials. While the lifespan of a metal roof is much longer, investing in a metal roof only makes sense if you plan to stay in your home long enough to reap the cost benefits.


Metal roofing can be noisier than other products during a heavy rain or hail storm, depending on the type of deck used during installation (spaced or solid). Sometimes the problem can be solved by adding more soundproofing to the attic, but that could increase costs.

Expansion, contraction and fasteners. 

Assemblies for metal roofing materials that are added to large panels are designed to expand and contract as they heat and cool. However, the useful life of both exposed and hidden fasteners can vary. Depending on the weather, the neoprene washers and screws used during installation could deteriorate and come loose over time.

Inconsistency in tonality. 

If the home needs to be repaired or added to years later, it may be difficult to find another metal that is exactly the same shade as the existing one.


If water accumulates anywhere on the roof due to poor installation or repair, it can cause serious damage over time. Low-grade metals may be thinner and less durable. Some metals rust in certain climates or dent more easily than others during hail storms or installation.

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